What is it?
This is a mix of personal projects and subway scribbles from someone who is constantly in the process of learning and making and remaking.
What did I do?
Printmaker, Photographer, Illustrator, Animator, Maker
This is a mix of personal projects and subway scribbles from someone who is constantly in the process of learning and making and remaking.
What did I do?
Printmaker, Photographer, Illustrator, Animator, Maker

Roux, 2021-2022
Roux was a streetwear startup and love note from two immigrant kids. A reminder of hometowns, family dinners, and lazy Sunday afternoons.
Although we never really got Roux past the point of selling to our aunties and close friends, it was an incredible learning experience.
Roux was a streetwear startup and love note from two immigrant kids. A reminder of hometowns, family dinners, and lazy Sunday afternoons.
Although we never really got Roux past the point of selling to our aunties and close friends, it was an incredible learning experience.
Lost in the Waves, 2019
A meditation on grief that combines silkscreen print with traditional Japanese suminagashi.
A meditation on grief that combines silkscreen print with traditional Japanese suminagashi.

Scraps, 2018-Beyond
Finally, a few individual pieces that aren’t a part of any larger project, but that I would still put up on my fridge.
Finally, a few individual pieces that aren’t a part of any larger project, but that I would still put up on my fridge.

When I was 6, I thought that my artist name would be “Sketches.”